ARexx tracing
Tracing is the ARexx version of SnoopDOS. You don't need any special
programs to do it, if you have ARexx installed you already have the
What follows is a very simplified description of tracing, for more
information please refer to your ARexx documentation.
Your ARexx installation included four programs called TCO, TCC, TE and TS,
the names stand for:
Tracing Console Open
Tracing Console Close
Tracing End
Tracing Start
In a shell type TCO, you'll notice a window open with no text and the title
ARexx. This is the Tracing Console output window, any ARexx script that
executes will be displayed in here line by line with any results.
The console isn't enabled until you enter the command TS in your shell.
Now when you execute an ARexx script, you will see each line as it executes,
it's line number and any results. Tracing forces causes the script to stop
after each result and present you with a prompt in the console. To have the
next line execute, simply press Enter at the prompt.
For the original Fail2.rexx script in TroubleShooting - ARexx error codes ,
the console output will look like this:
1 *-* ;
2 *-* options results;
>+> <-- This is the prompt.
3 *-* address 'DOPUS.1';
4 *-* lister query 123456 path;
>>> "LISTER QUERY 123456 PATH"
5 *-* path = result;
>>> "RESULT"
6 *-* exit;
As you can see, no error is generated for this script, even though you know
it isn't a valid lister handle. However, knowing what the script is supposed
to be doing, (getting the path of a lister), you know that the path should
not equal "RESULT". This should indicate to you that something went wrong
when you asked for the path in the lister query statement.
If any major problem occurred that caused the script to terminate, then an
error code with text will be displayed as well, but only for the normal ARexx
To end tracing simply enter the TE command in a shell, then the TCC command
to close the console. The console will not be closed until you have
acknowledged any outstanding prompts.
Tracing can also be implemented from within your ARexx script with many
different options, please refer to the ARexx documentation.